Deploy Laravel app on a subdomain on Hostinger

Here is a tutorial to deploy a Laravel app on a subdomain on Hostinger. I used a Laravel app that I created with Laravel Breeze and Inertia.js. I will use React as frontend framework.

First of all, you need to create a subdomain on your Hostinger account. You can do it on the Domains section. I created a subdomain called test and I will use it to deploy my Laravel app.


Then, you need to create a database on your Hostinger account. You can do it on the Databases section.

Now, you need to go to the File Manager section and create a folder called test on the public_html folder. Inside this folder go the public files of your Laravel app.

File manager

After that, you need to create a folder called test on the root of file manager. Where public_html is. Inside this folder go all the rest of the files of your Laravel app. On the public folder only go the folder build.

File manager File manager File manager

Last step is to update .env file with the database credentials and the subdomain.


  • public_html/test folder: contains the files of public folder of your Laravel app.
  • test folder: contains all the rest of the files of your Laravel app. On the public folder only go the folder build.
  • .env file: update the database credentials and the subdomain.

That's it. Now you can access your Laravel app on the subdomain that you created.